Thursday, November 6, 2008

High Blood Pressure Drugs and Heart Attacks

Did you know that 60% of people who have heart attacks have normal blood pressure, and were taking high blood pressure medication at the time of the attack? It's true. People who simply live with high blood pressure live longer than people who take medicine for it, according to a recent European study.

How does this make you feel about your prescription medication? These drugs are dangerous, and it won't be long until everyone knows it. It's just a matter of time before the medical institutions admit they were wrong about heart disease and high blood pressure medication.

This is why it is SO IMPORTANT for you to learn about natural remedies for high blood pressure! Your health will be so much better, and you won't run the risks associated with these dangerous drugs. Using natural methods to reduce blood pressure will not only drastically improve your heart health, you will maintain a normal weight and your cholesterol levels will improve. It's just plain smart!

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